Parent Meetings: SSC & ELAC
School Site Council
School Site Council
School Site Council
Parents/guardians, we value your input and invite you to help our school community make decisions regarding instructional program. Please consider joining our School Site Council. Click this link for this year's School Site Council Meeting Dates and Agendas. Meeting Link:
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)![]()
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
A school-level committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school officials on English learner programs and services.
Meetings are scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30. At this time all meetings are held virtually. Click on the link to access meeting dates, meeting minutes and the meeting link. Meeting Link:
What is ELAC?
What is ELAC?![]()
What is ELAC?
ELAC is the English Learner Advisory Committee, primarily made up of parents who have children learning English as a second language.
¿Que es ELAC?
¿Que es ELAC? ![]()
¿Que es ELAC?
ELAC (por sus siglas en ingles) es el comite consejero para aprendices de ingles, esta principalmente compuesto de padres que tienen niñ@s aprendiendo ingles como segundo lenguaje.
What is School Site Council?
What is School Site Council? ![]()
What is School Site Council?
School Site Council (SSC) is a group of school personnel and parents making decisions about the school's plan for student success.
¿Que es el Concilio Escolar?
¿Que es el Concilio Escolar? ![]()
¿Que es el Concilio Escolar?
El Concilio escolar, or SSC, (por sus siglas en ingles) es un grupo de personal de la escuela y padres que toman decisiones sobre el plan escolar para el exito de los estudiantes.